Limiting beliefs – what is holding you back?

“The only thing limiting you is yourself.” 

Ken Poirot

Many of us experience limiting beliefs that hold us back from taking steps to move forward in life. In the career context, we may have preconceived notions about job opportunities such as “I’m not qualified for them” or “I won’t be able to do the job well enough.” The truth is, these self-defeating thoughts can prevent us from even considering career changes that better align with our values and passions.

The decision to switch career paths can be a difficult one, filled with both excitement and uncertainty. It is important to assess our personal values and career goals before making any big decisions. We should consider what matters most to us such as job satisfaction, workplace culture, career growth potential and financial stability. Additionally, it is necessary to challenge ourselves when determining whether or not an opportunity aligns with our core values and career objectives.

It is important to assess both the pros and cons of a career change before diving in headfirst. Are you willing to commit fully? Do you have the necessary skills? How will this affect your current commitments? Although it can seem like a daunting task, taking time for reflection before leaping into a new career path can help ensure that it is a positive and satisfying transition for you.

Limiting beliefs are often based on past experiences or fears of failure or ridicule from others. It is natural to feel apprehensive; however, it is important to remember that everyone has their unique career path and journey. There isn’t necessarily a “right” way of doing things. Seeking advice from trusted sources such as family members, friends and mentors can help provide clarity while also helping build confidence in making career-related decisions that are within alignment with our values and goals in life.

Inspiración Coaching can enable you to listen, identify what is holding you back, and why they are holding you back and importantly give you the techniques to overcome them. For more information please get in touch with us via our contact page, or if you would like to arrange an initial chat please do so here.

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